The concept of ‘goal’ in the context of argument operates as a truth to the speaker. This is such an important concept and the one that I hope students take with them when they learn to debate. Checking in with your goal can be accomplished when you add space to an argument to regroup. If the pace of the argument is too fast what we want is lost. The luxury of analysis can be comforting but it is also isolating. Carrying your mind’s best work into a conversation is at best challenging and more often impossible.

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Hi Deborah,

Yes I agree this is a very challenging to do even in important, interesting, and creative discussion. A way I try to remind myself of this is to stop every once and a while and ask my conversation partner, "what is at stake here again?" Sometimes it takes some work to actually determine the answer but it is often helpful in helping to remind us the aim of the conversation.

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The Frank Herbert quote reminded me of a short story which I recommend, 'The Cremona Violin', by E.T.A. Hoffman, another Konigsberg fellow.

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Anything that Herbert reminds you of I am sure is good. I'll be sure to check it out.

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